Following the birth of her son, Simone wasn’t feeling the joy she thought she would.

After bringing it up to her obstetrician, Simone is learning that caring for herself is helping her better enjoy life as a new mom.

“When I first had my son, everyone commented how happy I must be. But all I felt was sad and overwhelmed. I thought that I wasn’t good at being a mom.”


While all attention might be on the new baby, it’s important to care for mom too. Postpartum depression is common and highly treatable.

The first step to feeling better is making the call.

Make the call to the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline:

Ready to make the call?

Taking the first step in your mental health care journey can begin today. You can contact your primary care doctor or community health center, search through your insurance provider, or find resources through your employer or school counselor.

Living with depression
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